Case Studies

Backups: 5 Reasons you need them

Backups: 5 Reasons you need them

You’ve probably heard about how important backing up your website is. There are a few things more painful to your business than working hard to create an online presence and it all be taken away in one moment.  Backups are vital to keeping your business online presence alive.

Here are 5 reasons why backups are so important:

1. Website Hackers

Website hackers have been around since the internet. They aim to steal your credit card and other sensitive information or just to cause trouble. When your website is on the internet there is always a chance it can be hacked.

2. Computer Catastrophes

Most people have their website data backed up locally whether that is text, images, banners, etc. That is a great idea, but computers are known to fail and lose your data. Online, remote backups are a more practical option.

3. Updates

If you are using a Content Management System like WordPress, you will see plenty of updates over the lifetime of your website. They could be WordPress core updates or theme and plugin updates. Clicking the update button may not cause any issues, but there is a chance it could take down your website.

4. Malware/Viruses

Malware and viruses can get into your website a variety of ways: your new plugin or theme could have hidden files causing the issue, your database isn’t secure, or files become overwritten. Backups are there to quickly replace those files if these issues arise.

5. Employee Errors

An employee usually has the best intentions, but let’s face it they are human. Your employees may think they can safely make changes to your website, but the wrong button press or deleting the wrong file could have catastrophic effects.

Heartbeat Websites provides website maintenance that includes daily backups of your website files and database. Whether you have a basic informational website or an e-commerce store, you need a backup. Just imagine having to recreate your entire website or telling customers you didn’t receive their order because you didn’t have backups of your website!